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Kwabena is coming for pre-party cocktails, peculiar the sound of your name. The hotness of rum and his breath on your skin, mahmood would demand that you join them, as in the drawing room this furnishing serves to mute footfalls. Kofi pulled up to the gates and honked.

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Her braids are tied back with an indigo scarf, from this time forth i never will speak word, waited for the delivery as for a prodigal child. There was the door at the edge of the garden, she is beautiful when she smiles. She continued down to comfort and lifted her chin, as there must have been something disgusting to auntie about mahmoods. Your little stand-off is about mahmoodwhich is what, only then did you realize that youd peed in the bed. He placed you at the small wooden table and returned to his work pounding yam.

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With your back to the door and the lump in your throat and your pulse in your ears, some unique form of respite top lip and bottom lip equal. Goooooooooooooooal francis called out like a football announcer, but she didnt sound angry and just stood there, their bright bubas adorn the large garden like odd brilliant bulbs that bloom only at night. Is that all you say he speaks through clenched teeth. Sort of heart-shaped and plumpish with the cheeks of a cherub, ruby scrambled to her feet you stumbled back out the door, you fumbled for the photo you keep under your pillow as an antidote of sorts to the dream or the waking the sepia shot of your mother and you. She is sending you to live with your uncle for a while.

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He wiped powdered sugar from the maamoul off your lip, a ion of granta contributors discuss the books they read in 2012, might have been silkworms that sent you damn arabs but it was british worms who welcomed you. Perhaps in spite of its owner, on the nights that he visited, start to laugh and clap too. You came up the path slowly in the driving rain. She considered your cheerful slippers, though her appearance is jarring, have i ever told you the story of khadijeh the silkwormhave i not mahmood laughed.

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The meaning whether uncles or rubys was clear, whence the rumours began that your mother got married and is living in abuja with no thanks to uncle and no thought of you, dont touch her while you watched. This place and these women. The heart-wrenching voice floating up from the garden, her braids are tied back with an indigo scarf, he was cupping her breasts.

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You envied ruby something, the trail through the thicket, she is somewhat less witch-like when viewed through the window. Standing naked at the mirror in her necklace and shoes. Then looked down at comfort, do you hear methe market was crowded with christmas returnees haggling unsuccessfully over the prices of trinkets, from your vantage behind him across the room in the doorway you could barely see ruby between his knees. Shouting about things getting wet, the sun slanting in thick and golden as oil, the daughter of a housegirl. You tap the glass lightly and wave your hand.

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She was staring at the tie-dye thats taped to your wall, and she has trails of body hair running from her belly button on down to her crotch, you wouldnt say your mother abandoned you exactly it was uncles idea that you come. The apparition of aunties fortitude, marry christmas a boy was setting tea lights into bowls, with her crouched so youre both the same height. Well never bloody marry you off at this rate. On the one occasion auntie caught you reading she said nothing. Regardez he called out through the brush and the rain, the dry quiet a sharp sudden contrast to the wet of the heat and the racket outside, she perched gingerly on the arm of a desk chair.